Twice a year my church has a worldwide meeting where we listen to our leaders give us counsel. These meetings take place on two weekends in April and October. This past weekend we had this opportunity, and it was truly a blessing and inspiration.
My favorite talk of all four sessions was Jeffrey R. Holland's "Lord, I Believe". This righteous man has always been able to spiritually touch my heart so effortlessly. I am so grateful for his words, his example, his faith, and his encouragement. His faith truly does strengthen my own and I am overwhelmed with love and appreciation for his testimony.
If you are interested in knowing more about General Conference or about the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, click on the "My Faith" tab at the top of the page.
"Be not afraid, only believe."
"Belief is always the first step toward conviction."
"So if your faith is a little tested, in this or any season, I invite you to lean on mine."
"Hope on, journey on. Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever, fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe."