So I'm the new girl in school this year (obviously), and the teachers here have Christmas presents already in place for the parents (which thank goodness)! We do art for each month of the year, resulting in a calendar for mom and dad! It's probably the most thoughtful school Christmas present I've ever heard of if I'm being honest, and I didn't have to come up with it! *Double win*
The downside to this is we have twelve months to complete….and we're on number four. And it's November. So, as I've been telling the munchkins, "It's do or die time!"
Seriously, multiple times today. I think we maybe even yelled it.
So here are the months that we have completed- or are in progress. We are going to have January snowflakes done by the time this week is over, or so help me. Just help me.
May flowers
July fireworks
November turkeys (in progress)
December Santas