In the teaching world, everyone who's anyone has an opinion about behavior charts. "It's the only think that will keep kids in line,"some will say. Others think that charts show your authority, showing kids who's boss. Some educators think that charts are too public, and changing cards or moving clips will humiliate and embarrass the students, making them feel unsafe in the classroom. On Pinterest there are posts about "Why I got rid of my clip chart and you should too". Even in college I was taught that there are a million other different and
better ways to manage your class.
But guess what? I tried them.
Guess what else? None of them worked.
I tried taking away privileges. I tried recess time, individually and whole class. I tried individual rewards. I tried over the top and out of this world praise. But nothing stuck.
I was taught to hate clip charts so much that it was January- halfway through the year- before I considered it as an option. But I was out of other options, so I bit the bullet.
And let me tell you…
I put up the clip chart last week and it has CHANGED OUR CLASSROOM LIVES.
These kids now sit in power positions. They RAISE THEIR HANDS- which is a huge deal, hence the all caps. They ask to get out of their seats. They don't talk during writing time. They even walk better in line, just in case I see them and tell them to change their clip when they get back because guess what (again)?!
The clip chart has positive options. They can move UP. For some reason, they love it. It's unspoken praise, visual proof to the rest of the class that they are doing so awesome. And I let them brag. Because they're second graders, but also because their bragging makes the other kids want to move up too.
They all want to get to "Outstanding" by the end of the day. Because you wanna know what they get if they make it all the way up there? Wait for it…..
A skittle. ONE. SKITTLE.
It's magic, folks.
So do I believe in the clip chart satanic voodoo anymore? Not at all. You have to know your students. My kids don't get embarrassed by anything for some strange reason, so I knew we wouldn't have to public humiliation issue. It's actually beneficial for the kids to know where their classmates are. You have to know what motivates your class. This is it for mine, and I wish I would have started it sooner!