

No one ever tagged me on instagram (thanks guys), so I'm jumping on the blog band wagon. 
Five things you don't know about me:

1. I'm secretly good at guitar hero.  I'm a game hater so this comes as a shock to some people.  But trust me, I can kick your butt.  Unless you can play on expert, because then I'm not so good...but let's not worry about that.

2. I'm painfully shy around new people.  I love being the center of attention in a group of close friends, but I don't want the attention on me around people I don't know.  Up until a few years ago I wouldn't even let people sing happy birthday to me in a restaurant.  It's that bad.

3. I am not very good at staying mad at people, which can be a blessing and a curse.  Sometimes it sucks when you want to be mad at someone and you literally can't be...I find myself in that situation a lot.  On the other hand, I guess I'm good at forgiving and forgetting?

4. Online shopping is truly an addiction of mine.  I think it started four or five years ago when I first began living on my own.  I add things I want to my shopping cart that I can't really buy.  It's a constant battle.  The struggle is real.

5. When I was a kid I started losing my hearing due to ear infections.  My mom says I could never hear her and I started talking really loud.  Bad sign.  (Don't worry, I got tubes in my ears...good as new!)

You're welcome!

1 comment:

  1. i actually didn't know about 5 and now it all makes sense.
