
Feeling Floral

I stumbled upon this fabulous floral shirt last week and fell in love.
(You'll learn that I fall in love with floral prints a LOT.)
It's colorful without being too flashy.
It's collared, which means statement necklaces galore.
It's a button-up, which means sweaters can go over it.
So many options!
Maybe I'll do a post in the near future on different ways to wear it.
But for now...here you are, friends!

The cross-body Michael Kors bag is a new addition...I'm a little obsessed!
Shirt: Target, Pants: Forever 21, Necklace: Plunder Design, Bracelets: Target & Forever 21, 
Rings: James, Avery Watch: Michael Kors, Bag: Michael Kors


Christmas Day 2012

Christmas this year was nothing short of wonderful.
Of course the gifts I received were all that I had hoped for, but that wasn't what was important.
Spending the day with my family was important.
Our home was filled with food, Christmas music, basketball, dominoes, and picture-taking.
Feet pitter-pattered up and down the halls, followed by screams and laughter.
It was an amazing day, and I have pictures to prove it!

And to top it all off-
In Texas! Can y'all believe it?!


Celebrating the Season

It all began with a little photo shoot.


Then there was some piano playing (Christmas carols, of course).

We went to Old Town Grapevine as a family to see the sights and lights.

Christmas Eve involved sugar cookie baking and giggles.

We also watched a video about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, as well as a favorite nativity of mine which you can watch here.

It's Been a While

Or at least it feels like it to me.
I promise I'll be catching up soon with tons of Christmas pictures and even an outfit post.
I haven't found the time to blog yet...too many little people to play with and too much Christmas fun!
But don't worry- I haven't forgotten about you.
Stay tuned friends!


When in doubt...

...throw on colored tights, cheetah print, and a chunky necklace.

Today was one of those blah days.  
The kind of day where I woke up late, didn't really like my outfit, and didn't have much to choose from because Christmas break has me living out of a suitcase. 
But, it just so happened that my best friend has a new camera that desperately needed to be used.
So thank her for this.

Skirt: Forever 21, Cardigan: Forever 21, Tights: Target, Shoes: Forever 21
Necklace: Forever 21, Watch: Michael Kors

I promise I'll make it up to y'all with a real outfit post where my outfit is actually blog worthy.
But on to more pressing matters-
We're so cute, right?!


A Few of My Favorites

All because I'm feeling extra happy since finals are over and I'm heading home!
And maybe to avoid packing...

all too true. but still so so funny.
But, on a more serious note for a second...

Jeffery R. Holland of course.
The man has a way with words.

Blog: Cleverlyours.blogspot.com
This is Robyn, a fellow blogger. 
I discovered her blog through her Instagram a couple weeks ago.  
She is ADORABLE and I'm a little obsessed with her blog.
You  probably will be too.

Twitter account: Sam Lansky
I have to give y'all samples of how hilarious he is because I literally live for his tweets.
It's so hard to pick just a few...twitter.com/samlansky for more laughs :)

"Santa Claus has a lot in common with my boyfriend! They're both imaginary"
"I think I'll always be the girl who didn't go to Paris"
"It breaks my heart that I'll never be a momager"
"I think my greatest skill is to make everything about me all the time"
"Breaking news: I am a complete trainwreck today"

See. Told you so.
Feel free to adopt my favorites as your own :)



Nothing really matters today.  I can't focus on anything for very long.  My heart and my head keep going back to these children in Connecticut.  For the last hour and a half, all I could do was cry.  I choked out how awful the shooter was and how sad it all is a few times.  But mostly, just cried and cried.  It's all so hard to imagine, but so easy to feel.

These kids went to school this morning thinking it was a normal day.  I can just envision their faces as their teachers told them they were under lockdown, as the fear and tears set in.  I can imagine the feeling of responsibility and terror that the teachers were faced with as they fearlessly led students through the school and to safety.  And I can painfully imagine the grief that everyone is flooded with, whether student, teacher, parent, brother, sister, or friend.

I know why bad things happen to good people.  That is never a question that I have been faced with.  I have been taught that God has a plan.  Sometimes bad things happen to good people so that they can move on to what he has planned for them.  However, I have never understood is why bad things happen to children. I know that he has a plan, but it just seems wrong.  These kids did nothing to deserve to suffer.  They were innocent and pure.  Then someone came and decided everything for them.  He decided that they wouldn't have anymore play dates or any new friendships.  He decided that they wouldn't go to high school and they wouldn't get a diploma.  They wouldn't go to college, or get married, or have kids.  And he had no right to make any of those decisions.

Then I think of the parents.  You don't have to be a parent to know that their pain and suffering is immense. Their grief will last far too long and never fully subside.  Their families are now incomplete.  They will always have a void in their lives and a hole in their hearts.  Christmas is now the hardest time of the year for them. They have presents for these children that will never be opened.  They will ask themselves time and time again why they dropped their child off at school today.  And it will take them years to realize that this was out of their control.

And of course, as a future educator, I think of the teachers. Their love for those kids gave them the adrenaline rush and courage that they needed to save lives.  They are true heroes.  I fear that the aftermath of this shooting will change teachers and frighten them.  I hope that they can remember why they do what they do.  It is all about the children.  My heart aches for teachers that will have students missing from their classrooms, or students that no longer have a teacher.  I have always wanted to be a teacher, but now it is my greatest desire.  I know, without a doubt, that I would do anything for my students.

This is a tragedy. This man has ruined so many lives, and it seems impossible to see anything other than evil. But when you look a little deeper, there is a silver lining: these children are with their Heavenly Father.  He has welcomed each of them with open arms.  They are free from pain and suffering and they know that they can be reunited with their families someday.  We have been blessed with this knowledge of the plan of salvation, and I hope these families can someday attain this knowledge as well.

In the midst of tragedy, we cannot fear.  We must remember that despite the evil in the world, there is opposition in all things.  There are good people.  There are helping hands.  There are neighbors and communities banding together to support one another.  We are blessed.  I am blessed.  I have my faith, my friends, and most importantly my family, and I am so grateful.



I've been experimenting lately.
You know that never ending feeling of having no clothes?
That feeling starts to fall away when you don't stick to the same repeated outfits.
I've had this shirt for years (years people, think high school), these pants since last fall, and the blazer since last Christmas...
And I hardly ever wear them!
So today was the day. 
I dusted everything off and was determined to create something new.
And, I'm surprised to say, I actually did.

And this is my friend Mandy, Manda Panda, Garz, Garza25, aka Amanda.
She's my photographer.  And best friend. Best friend first.
She dresses adorably, so she played model today while I took her pictures.

So, the point of this post: you too can make old things new again!
Try it; you'll thank me later.


My Favorite Part of Monday

My closet going from this:

To this:

Ahhhhh.  A breath of fresh air isn't it?!
And yes, everything is off the floor.
Some days organizing just really does the trick for me.



"We have to keep reinventing ourselves.  Almost every minute, because the world can change in an instant.  And there's no time for looking back.  Sometimes the changes are forced on us. Sometimes they happen on accident.  And we make the most of them.  We have to constantly come up with new ways to fix ourselves.  So, we change.  We adapt.  We create new versions of ourselves.  We just need to be sure that this one is an improvement over the last." 
-Grey's Anatomy


Finally Friday!

It took an eternity to get to Friday...probably because I was a day ahead of myself the whole week.
But we finally made it!  It's the weekend, folks.  
So I've decided to treat y'all with an outfit post.  Finally. 
I know you can hardly contain your excitement!

Button up: Old Navy, Pants: Old Navy, Shoes: Converse,
 Necklace: Plunder Design, Watch: Michael Kors. Purse: Charming Charlie

Happy Weekend! :)

It's the Little Things

finally finding the song that you've been searching for.
late night dessert dates with friends.
catching up on tv shows.
receiving recognition.
having a day off.
a good outfit.
a good listener.



Be Excellent

"You can be excellent in every way.  You can be first class.  There is no need for you to be a scrub.  Respect yourself.  Do not feel sorry for yourself.  Do not dwell on unkind things others may say about you.  Polish and refine whatever talents the Lord has given you.  Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with a great and strong purpose in your heart.  Love life and look for it's opportunities."          
-Gordon B. Hinckley