
So it's 2015.

And it's kind of funny that I still use this little thing, even though it's not so often. I started it years ago, with completely different intentions, and now I feel some strange obligation to keep up with it every once in a while. Even in 2015.

I'm not a huge fan of New Year resolutions because I always end up failing, and at the end of each year I focus more on what I didn't do than what I did do. I'm sure many of us are guilty of that…we're all our worst critics. 

So this year, I thought up a few things that I couldn't fail at- just things that I could do better than I'm already doing. And enjoyable things at that. Then I made this list. The list of things that everyone can do, that we should do/want to do/want to be, you name it. All of us can do something off of this list. Let's be happy in 2015.

Personally I'm hoping for the love part…. :)