
LOVING Listening

In our school district, the students come in two groups, A.M. and P.M. However, it's not the typical A.M. and P.M. that you would think of, like in kindergarten. Instead, I have half the class come at 8:00, and the other half comes at 9:15. The students who came at 8 leave earlier at 2:15. The students who came at 9:15 stay until 3:30. This is just so that we get small group literacy time, which is uh-maze-ing. You just ease in and out of your day. I mean I'm here from 7:30 to 4:00…but who's counting?

During these small group times, we do our literacy centers. And believe me, even with only 13 kids centers can get wild. So what does a teacher do when she wants her class to quiet down? Create a listening center!

And I'm in LOVE. It's working. They're quiet. And busy. It's lovely.

I bought this little table at Ikea that took approximately 4.5 minutes to build. I bought the little rug so they can sit at/around it, also from Ikea. We only have three or four people per group, so command hooks are holding the headphones (on the side of my desk- talk about multipurpose!). The stereo is underneath, as well as the drawers holding the books, CDs, and response papers. It's the perfect little setup. 

I taught the kiddos how to use the stereo and how everything should look when they are finished, and they have yet to disappoint! I'm a proud mama/teacher. But sometimes they really do call me mom so…

Below are pictures of the center, as well as the response paper that we are using. Thank goodness for Pinterest and TPT, right?